ERGOBUDDY® Shoe Insoles
Help Policies for shipping, handling, returns, etc.
If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your purchase of ERGOBUDDY® footwear insoles, you may return them within 30 days (of the date your order was shipped) for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping, handling, or other additional charges as long as it is in like-new condition. Exchanges must be made within 30 days.
Refunds are issued to the original method of payment. Credit/debit card transactions are refunded back to the credit/debit account. Please allow up to 14 business days to complete the transaction.
Estimated Shipping & Delivery Times
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the shipping options you choose. All orders will be processed and shipped the NEXT business day after the order is received. Shipping rates and fees may vary depending on the delivery address for your order. Our delivery method is UPS and FedEx.
Duties and Taxes
The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by the recipient; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; you should contact your local customs office for further information.
Your packages may be subject to the customs fees and import duties of the country to which you have your order shipped. These charges are always the recipient’s responsibility.
Johnson Technologies Corporation gladly accepts orders from all around the globe.